Where is OneModa located?
We are in Edison, NJ, United States.
How do I know your stuff is authentic? How can I be sure?
We don't sell or offer any 'fake' things as we import our limited exclusive things directly from Italy.
What if I don't like anything I receive or it doesn't fit properly?
You can easily return it.
What is your return policy? Are returns free?
Our returns policy can be found here. Any shipping charges, including shipping from/to us are not refundable.
How can I expedite my shipping? I need it faster.
We have a variety of shipping options, including Overnight.
Can I cancel or change my order?
You can do that before it ships out. You can't change your shipping address. Just respond back to your order confirmation email.
I need to talk to someone / ask a specific question / make an inquiry
Please contact us at your earliest convenience!